Subscribers and Authors

Just a quick note about subscription to this website. There are already lots of subscribers, which is great. The idea behind inviting subscriptions is to encourage people to contribute to the site with announcements, views and articles about art; theirs or someone else’s. The way it works is you become a subscriber by registering as a member. You can do this with your Facebook Account, or simply set up a new account here. However, to be able to publish to the site, you then need to apply for authoring rights. You do that by sending an email to us at In the email, you need to provide a little bit of background information about yourself, your work and, if possible, a link to some samples of what you have done before. Once you have been given authoring rights, you can start posting your news to the site. These posts are featured on the home page, as well as in the News Blog Section of the site. So, if you are into art, get on-board and start spreading your news.